Sunday, January 16

A Bookcase and the Excitement of My Life

Have you ever noticed that the busier you become, the more excited you get over doing the little, mundane things? For example- finally getting new watch batteries or new soles on shoes or picking up something more than necessities at the grocery store and actually planning a decent meal...? Or, in my case, rearranging and cleaning my room and adding a new bookcase.

Now, we all know that I'm not really a cleaner at heart. Never been my forte. However, it's been a disaster since before Christmas break. And I've been craving a change for a while, so when my parents gave me a bookcase for Christmas (woohoo!) I decided to rearrange everything. Cleaning, though, has been intense. There was the typical amount of clothes discarded after being tried on, a few stacks of papers I promised I'd "sort through as soon as I could", bobby pins in every corner, and books, books, books... on the floor stacked vertically, horizontally set against the wall, scattered on the dresser, piled on my nightstand, even a few that had permanent homes on my bed that I just avoided while sleeping (or tried to avoid- occasionally I would wake up to the thud of a book hitting the floor at 3 a.m. after I'd pulled the covers wrong). Point being- the new bookcase is the best Christmas present I could have ever received and is now packed with all the books that are no longer flooding my room.

In addition, everything else is clean too, baseboards included. Well, except that stubborn stack of papers that I still don't know what to do with even though I've sorted through them twice. Why on earth does filing take so long?

Oh, and you may ask, "Lindsay, is your life really so mundane that cleaning and a new bookcase are the best things you can post about?" Well, my answer to you is that bookcases are simple and easy to understand and are therefore much more conducive to being written about than anything and everything else. I'm starting a blogging streak though (I can feel it in my blood), so don't worry (as I know you are), I'll try to be less shallow in the future. :)

1 comment:

  1. a little cleaning house is always good, love the bookcase and love the promise of a potential blog streak....miss you
