First of all, I realize there are some dashes in 18-year-old, but it looked weird in the title, so I'm omitting them. (Poets can take certain grammatical liberties that 7th grade English teachers cannot.)
If you read my entry about the bookcase, you know that I've been cleaning. Part of that cleaning made me get rid of my filing cabinet which has steadily been with me since I first moved to college. It's pretty organized, but I haven't sorted through any of it for a very long time. Well, when I was emptying it out I found something- sketchbook papers with poetry on them.
Now, the first time I ever wrote poetry (not for a class assignment) was on the Church History Tour after high school graduation (June 2003). Every so often in the last 7 1/2 years I've wondered what happened to those poems, but figured I probably threw them out long ago or that they were in some box somewhere full of 'memory things' as I like to label them. Surprise! Some were with me all along! Now, I'm definitely not saying I'm a brilliant poet now (definitely not), and I definitely wasn't a brilliant poet then (most have the exact same meter). However, I am saying that it's really fun to have these to look at and remember. I know I had more because I remember vaguely writing some others, but these must have been the ones I deemed good enough to make 'final drafts' of. (They have decorative borders and are written in what I guess would have been my best handwriting at the time.) I also found a song I'd written. I didn't remember I'd ever written a song, and I didn't remember it even was a song until about halfway through the second verse when it hit me what those little marks were by each line- since I can't write music, I'd just put little dashes to indicate that the pitch went up or down relative to the last note. haha Believe me, we should all be happy I didn't pursue a career as a songwriter. I'll happily leave that up to Ry in the family.

This is one right after I went to the Sacred Grove.
I went to where the prophet stood
I walked his very steps
And in my heart I knew the good
Brought by the Lord’s concepts
I seemed to feel his very soul
It merged intent with mine
The tempests ‘round me seemed to lull
Through sacred peace divine
I felt assured of love and grace
As well as knowledge learned,
I did not see His very face
But my heart no longer yearned
The Holy Spirit’s loving arms
Were wrapped around so tight
That all the worldly wealth and charms
Couldn’t touch with their fake might
This Gospel means so much to me
Faith growing each new day
That though Christ lived across the sea
He forged for me the way
My heart’s been touched by Holy Hands
The tender seed caressed
When I walk through this sacred land
I know I have been blessed.