Today it seems like winter is officially here. Not only am I sad that the cold, frozen months presented themselves, but I'm also sad that the crisp fall months are saying farewell. However, there have been some absolutely beautiful, shining moments that have lit up my cloudy sky with brilliant sunshine.
This morning, one of my friends, Derek, stopped by the school to say a quick hello before classes started. Not only was I super surprised (he lives in Washington), but so glad. It brightened my whole morning to see him unexpectedly step into my doorway. He has a smile that can light up absolutely any situation and I feel all sorts of lucky in being able to see it!
As we were dancing I was able to look out the doors and see the rain turn to snow. There's something magical about dancing while watching the snow fall outside. It also reminds me of countless days at BYU-Idaho rehearsing... and those are always fabulous memories to bring back.
Last night I went on a walk and it was the perfect fall evening. How lucky is it that the night before winter comes I was able to stroll around Sugarhouse with perfect weather and perfect conversation? I thought about it all day long- it's always nice to be able to say goodbye properly to a season and usually I don't quite get around to it.
There was a voicemail on my phone at work and after taking a few minutes to figure out how on earth to check it, I listened and it wasn't for me. So happy! I was able to hit the 'Mark as New' button and send an email off to another teacher who needed to take care of it. Whew!
I received a couple of emails today that just made me smile. I check my email in the middle of my classes while my students are working independently because it's the only free time I have. And today, waiting for me in the midst of the craziness were a few moments of total warmth and comfort.
So very, very lovely! Thank you.
Hey Binz! I like your new, simplified background. And, I couldn't agree more about all of your comments, except the first one since I have no idea who he is or how he smiles. I do like to say good-bye to the seasons however. And, lucky you got good mail. I received Jaxon's grades in the mail today and he has a "U"! What? In health? I have no idea why. So, before sending off a scathing letter of my own to a teacher, I decided to be polite and ask him why. But, boy, is he going to GET IT!!! Teachers!
I love that you are a thinker -- and a contemplater (er or or?) Anyway, nice to read a few of your thoughts.