Saturday, October 9

On Friday morning I was...

Getting ready to pass out the weekly vocabulary tests.
Jumping at least two feet off the floor (exaggeration) and losing ALL the papers when my arms jerked because of said jump (not an exaggeration) when that blasted, annoying, buzzer-thing went off.
Walking out into the rain with all of my students.
Taking roll and having at least eight of my students, individually, ask me why I had to raise a red flag when I knew perfectly well the two kids missing were absent. 
"Umm... Ms. Oldroyd? Don't you remember...."
Giving my jacket to two students who were shivering and who then found a way to both fit inside, zip it up, and promptly forget that they would have to walk together. (Actually quite funny- it was like watching two four year olds try to master a three-legged race.)
Getting my students back into the school without their writing on every dirty car window they could find.
Gathering the scattered vocabulary tests and trying, in vain, to get the students back to thinking about words such as 'lionize' and 'dissension' and 'indifferent' so I wouldn't have to enter depressing scores like 6/15 into my computer. 
Teachers hate low scores probably more than students do.
Wondering why a fire drill could possibly cause this much drama.


  1. lol - I loved fire drills! So do my kids, they always hope it will throw the teacher off their game enough, that they won't have to go back to work. Especially if there is a test. Good times in the teaching world. Maybe you are just too nice!

  2. Lionize? Rankle?! Goodness gracious, I think I'd fail your class too.
